Tips and tricks to maintain a positive environment

We, as humans, are social animals. All of our daily activities revolve around other people, be it at work, with friends and family, your partner and / or kids.

Unfortunately, the current environment has changed these activities completely. We are being forced to work from home, social distance from people and to self-isolate and for many of us this is a true challenge. 

This is an unprecedented time, impacting people in varying ways on an international scale. Many of us are feeling afraid, anxious, worried and overwhelmed not only for ourselves and our businesses but for our families and friends all over the world.

We thought we could create something simple and special for you, your colleagues, your family and your friends to do each day for 21 days to keep motivated in this COVID 19 crisis.

Introducing our 21 Day Challenge! Who is up for it?

Day 1
Write a letter to yourself expressing how you are feeling. Let it all out!
Day 2
Plant something and take care of it every day, you may even want to talk to it (yes people talk to plants)
Day 3
Wake up early in the morning, wear a mask and go for a run or brisk walk on the beach
Day 4
Learn something new, something you have always wanted to learn but have never had the time or the energy for
Day 5
Organise an online craft session with your friends. Paint a mug, build a castle with playing cards, race each other in online sudoku
Day 6
Try meditation to keep you calm. Simple breathing techniques like those used in meditation can effectively lower your heart rate and bring clarity to your mind. PS – It doesn’t work for everyone
Day 7
Learn how to make your favourite dish or cook something you have never tried before. Go on, dust off that cook book and give something spectacular a go
Day 8
Start reading a new book
Day 9
Play a board game with your quarantine partners
Day 10
Watch your favourite movie
Day 11
Create a playlist of your favourite songs
Day 12
Bake a cake and celebrate someone’s fake birthday - dont forget to sing happy birthday to yourself
Day 13
Video call your friends and family who live furthest away just to check up on them
Day 14
Get ready and have a dinner date with your roommate/ partner/ family at the house
Day 15
Listen to an inspirational podcast
Day 16
Make a photo album of your favourite memories
Day 17
Start writing in a journal
Day 18
Order food from your favourite local restaurant
Day 19
Make a food donation to someone in need
Day 20
Write positive notes around your house and make your quarantine partner go on a scavenger hunt
Day 21
Pay it forward to someone at the coffee shop by shouting them a coffee (takeaway of course)

Remember, during these very interesting times, being kind and empathetic to others, as well as to ourselves is the only way we can get through this together.
